Friday, July 13, 2012

How much it will cost me if I continue smoking?

How much does it cost to smoke?
(Image: Wikipedia)
I continue reading Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking. It is about one third of this book left to read. I am still not sure if this method will help me, but the main thing is that reading a book costs me almost nothing. So I suppose I can call this method one of the cheapest ways to quit smoking.
There was one interesting chapter in the book, where smoking expenses were calculated. So, I decided, that it will be more persuading, to calculate my personal expenses. Let's say I am going to smoke for next 20 years. I smoke approximately 20 cigarettes per day (1 pack). In my country, one pack of cigarettes cost about   €2,5. 

Cost per day: 2.5;
Cost per week:  17.5;
Cost per month: €75;
Cost per year:  €912.5;
Cost per 20 years:  €18,250;

It is quite motivate argument to quit smoking. Let's imagine, what can I do with these money:

I can do one of these things:
1. Traver around a world;
2. Buy a nice car; 
3. Start my own small business;
4. Increase my library a lot; (I love reading)
5. Attend many interesting courses; (I like learning)
6. I am thinking....

There are much things that can be done with such amount of money. Off course, it is not millions, but it can help to fulfill some of my dreams. By the way, my boyfriend (and future husband) also smokes. So this sum should be doubled. €40,000 is quite reasonable amount to quit. Alen Carr suggested one quite interesting idea. Imagine, that you found a person, who is ready to give as much cigarettes as you will need for whole of your life let's say for only €1,000. Would you agree with this generous offer? Personally, I wouldn't. The reason is that I want to quit smoking. I wonder, what would be your decision in such a situation?


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Smoking Cessation Computer

I am still reading the book Easy Way to Quit Smoking by Alen Carr. This process will took a little bit more time that I have planned. I am still smoking. But I found that this book changes my way of thinking a little bit. The questions the author asks in the book are good, because they force you to think about the reasons of smoking. I am not sure any more if smoking gives me so much pleasure I used to think.

Today I was searching Amazon for some product I am planning to buy and found very interesting item. It is LifeSign QuitKey Smoking Cessation Computer. I have never thought that such a thing exists. Well, creating such a computer makes sense. Smoking is a really bad habit that controls a person. We usually believe, that we control our smoking process. But this idea is wrong. Nicotine controls us and our smoking rate. The best way to quit smoking consist of three phases. First of all you need to prepare for quitting. Secondly you need to stop smoking at all. And the third phase is avoiding recurrence. For some people it is very hard to follow these simple instructions. It is painful and has visible effect on emotional conditions. So there is one more to quit smoking. The slow way, as I call it. The basic idea is to control your smoking addiction. In this method a person should cut off one/two cigarettes a day week. For example, if you smoke 12 cigarettes per day, smoke them on certain time, let's say every 60 minutes. If you missed your smoking time, wait until "the lucky hour" comes. Next day/week, reduce your cigarettes to 10. Calculate your smoking hours and keep your schedule. At the end of this process you should quit smoking. That is the theory. I have tried this method some time ago and can tell you, that it is very hard to keep such a schedule. QuitKey Computer, as I found, works on similar way. It helps one to keep his personal smoking cessation schedule. The schedule is individually based on smoking habit. I suppose, this item should help a lot in smoking cessation process. I think I should try this device if reading method will fail me.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Is it Possible to Quit Smoking While Reading a Book?

No smoking! (Image credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Smoking is one of those bad habits I would like not to have. I wrote, that since this Monday I started to quit smoking. The first day was horrible. I was able not to smoke until the afternoon. The day was quite stressed, because I had an exam in the evening, so I smoked quite a lot. It was a difficult and unsuccessful beginning. So I still smoke.

I think that many people, who decide quit smoking has the same problem. It is possible not to smoke for several hours but it is very hard not to smoke for a longer time. I found another solution. I have some friends who told me, that there is a wonderful book, that helped them not to smoke anymore. It is Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking. I do not believe in miracles, so my attitude to this book is quite skeptic, and I am not sure if this will help me. I started reading this book in Monday evening. I have a translation of thins book to my mother-tongue. The translation is terrible but I keep reading it. I have an idea of reading this book in English, and I believe that I will do this if reading the translation will not help me. But I want to believe (sound like Fox Mulder from the X-files) that it will help me. If you have some experience with this book, I would be glad if you could share it with me.

If you want to join me reading this book, you can find in on the Amazon store. I prefer holding paper books in my hands but the Kindle edition is available too. I do not guarantee the result, but there are many friends of mine, who claim that this book was the only thing they needed to quit smoking. Well, we will see this in approximately one week, when I will finish reading it. By the way, there is one strange thing about this book. Author tells the reader not to stop smoking while reading the book. So, I am doing as Allen recommends (sounds miserable, isn't it?). 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Starting Today

Be Happy! (Image credit: Change your life hacks)
It is said, that the worst thing is to start something tomorrow. Remember this when you start thinking about making to do list for the next year. Make this list today. There may be only one small task to do, but you should start doing this right now. If you leave this for tomorrow, it might be that you would never finish it.

I suppose I should write more about myself. But I do not consider this at the moment, because I'd like to leave a little secret for the future. I have several bad habits such as smoking, drinking coffee and others. I am a little bit overweight (~20 kg). So, the first changes I would like to challenge myself are solving these problems. I eat unhealthy, I do not exercise. I dream of running my online business, I want to visit Greece and so on... There are many thing I would like to change in my life to obtain better life quality. I would like you to join me. Changing yourself step by step may lead to perfect results.

The first thing I will try to challenge myself is to quit smoking. This habit not only cost much money but also is very unhealthy. Anybody, who would like to try quit smoking with me, please join this little challenge. I will share my own experience and useful material that I will find on the internet to help you (and of course myself). Happy reading, and I hope that you will find this information helpful.